“Tawa” is a musical tribute to the eponymous Hopi sun god. In the Hopi creation myth, Tawa forms the “First World” and its original inhabitants out of Tokpella, endless space. To the ancient Hopi, our current world is the lowest one and we pass through this world in order to ascend to the next level so we may connect with the gods.
Hopi also created Tawa Kachina dolls. In their legends, these dolls come to life during dance rituals so people may communicate with the gods and receive blessings or guidance. Tawa Kachinas are often depicted dancing, so it is fitting to have a musical tribute to him as a house track.
Joe Roller’s “Tawa” incorporates colors from New Meixco desert sunrises, where the magenta sun crests over buttes dotted with sagebrush and black pines. Don’t miss it!
Releases on July 21, 2020.